I did it. I've started a blog. I've resisted starting one for some time because I feel like it's just another thing for me to keep up with, however I've decided to give it my best shot. I think it's so important to not only capture the precious moments of our family for our own sake and remembrance, but also for those who aren't here to experience those moments firsthand.
If there's one thing we've learned, it's that kids grow up so fast. They change daily - almost even hourly it seems. It's almost unfair how fast these last 21 months have gone with our first daughter, Ava. In addition, our second daughter, Emma, is about to make her debut and I know those moments will prove to be just as fleeting.
So, I'll do my best. I'll do what I can to somehow capture a glimpse of what daily life is like in our family! For now we are a family of three: Michael, Michelle and Ava. We are the Garland's. Welcome to our blog!