
This weekend we went to an event called, KidFaire. It was supposed to be a fun, community wide event that had lots of stuff going on for younger kids, so we headed out! My mom and step-dad decided to join us, for what was surely going to be a fun day of excitement for both Ava and Emma. Oh, and did I forget to mention that the MAIN REASON we even went was because the princesses were supposed to be there (the real Disney princesses, that is). Ava LOVES the princessess now days... so we wanted to facilitate their introduction!

When we arrived, we should have just turned around and left. What we found was a mob scene of parents and strollers, some of which were using their strollers as bumper cars! Yikes! We waited in line for about 30 minutes just to get the tickets, and then made our way inside.

Once on the bottom floor (it was on the ground level of the local football stadium) we were finally able to figure out where to go to see the princesses. After wandering around for about 20 minutes we find "the princess headquarters". Let me just tell you, that all the "princess headquarters" entailed were some paper crowns, nail polish and paper wands for kids to glue. All fun things for a little girl - but the Cinderalla encounter we were hoping for was not going to happen. We were bummed.

We were able to have some fun walking around, the girls met Larry and Bob from VeggiTales, jumped in a bouncy and Ava even did the bungee jump (in the picture) although, I’m not sure she was too thrilled! In my defense, I didn't force her to do it, she asked to. :) Just felt the need to throw that out there!

Emma was able to see a camel for the first time, at which she said, "Whoa" as it approached! Too cute. All in all, if you could get past the stroller nazis it was an eventful morning. Will we go again next year - probably not. But hey, when you pay $5/person to get into something you have to make the best of it!

Staycation = Potty Training Success!

This last week has been amazing! Michael and I took 8 consecutive days off of work and have just stayed home. No plans. No agenda. Just good, old fashioned, quality time.

Steve and Tammy (his mother and step-father) came into town to visit for a few days. We were able to play catch up with them, and just relax. It was really nice. We went to Scottsdale with them for a few nights, relaxed by the pool and of course they enjoyed some golf.

While on our vacation, we took on a challenge. Quite possibly the biggest parenting challenge we have had to tackle thus far...potty training. We were (I was) determined. Thursday night when we got home from work, the switch took place. From then until the present, she has been in panties! There was a lot of laundry done the first 48 hours, but after that it clicked for her. It's now been 14 days for her and she's only had a handful of accidents! Thank you, Jesus!

We also had our follow up appointment with the surgeon for her umbilical hernia. The surgeon would like to operate soon because the size isn't decreasing, so her surgery will be on Sept. 8th. Please pray for her. It's a simple procedure - outpatient - but she will still be required to go under anesthesia. The recovery will be approximately 2 days at home with no climbing or heavy lifting.

Emma officially hit the 9 month marker, is off the bottle and on table foods. Can't believe it. She's growing up so incredibly fast, it doesn't seem fair.

All is well in our home. We love being a family and love the time we get to spend together.