Feet and Curlers

Emma has officially found her feet! She's been playing with them every day for the last couple of days. She hasn't quite got them into her mouth yet, but she loves hanging onto them and rolling from side to side!

She also rolled from her tummy to her back yesterday for the first time all on her own! Here is a picture of her in the middle of the roll!

Ava wanted to make sure that she wasn't left out from the camera too, so here is Ava "finding her feet" as well! Don't mind the crazy hair, they had just woken up! :)

Later last night, after swimming lessons, we gave Ava a bath and I put her hair in curlers for the first time. She was so good and just sat there and let me do her hair! Unfortunately, by the time she woke up, they were all out, not one of them made it through the night...bummer.

Yesterday was a fun day, hope all is well for everyone. Here's one more "cheese" picture to help brighten your day!

Busy week in the Garland home...

So this has been an extremely busy week, both with work and with the girls.

Ava officially started her swim lessons, and while she's not completely enjoying going under on her own (ok that is an understatment to say the least - she screams the entire time!), however, she's progressing well. Her instructor says that most kids cry for the first week to two weeks until they become more confident in the skills they're learning, but that it doesn't effect their learning process. Here is a video of her today at her lesson, this is only her 5th one, but we're confident she's going to do great!

Emma went in for her 4 month well check today (Friday). She is now 12 lbs and 15 oz and 24 1/4 in long now. She officially is able to start rice cereal next week, after her diaper rash goes away completely. The doctor also said that it's time to start weaning her off of her middle of the night feedings - trying to offer her a pacifier and roll her over - but not feeding her everytime she wakes up. So looks like we're in for some sleepless nights in our near future...praying it works quickly...but fearing it won't. She also received clearance from her doctor to do her swimming lessons at 6 months, which we are extremely excited about.

Needless to say, all is well.