This last month for me, for us as a family, has been all about realization. On many fronts this has been a harder month that usual, but we have come out of it stronger and closer to each other than ever. Don't get me wrong, when I say, "harder month than usual" I'm not referring to home life, but to work life. Lot's of changes, long meetings and needless to say: personal growth. However, I really believe, deep down, it’s God's way of giving us the realization that there is so much more to life that what we get caught up in during the everyday grind.
This month has been about realizing that there has to be balance between long work weeks and quality time spent with the kids.
Realizing that I love Ava, I love her so much I'm willing to set boundaries and limits for her. After all she's two - and we all know what that means - I don't have to explain it!
Realizing that I love Emma just as much - enough to get up from my desk - even in the busiest of days to try and go feed her a bottle. Recognizing that there will come a day that this will no longer be possible.
Realizing that I love my husband more than anything - I would do anything for him - no questions asked. He blows my mind every day.
Recognizing that Father's Day was filled with business (or should I say chaos at work - thanks to a car show) and lots of happiness; but also sadness. Sadness because an icon in my life, my father, is no longer here on this Earth to celebrate. That just hasn't gotten easier yet.
Needless to say, this month has changed me (us) from the inside out. We are now much better at prioritizing what's important - and recognizing that 99.9% of the time -it doesn't come in the form of a paycheck.
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