All too often we become busy with the things of life forgetting, or moreso taking for granted, the priceless moments that pass by. This is an attempt to capture some of those most recent encounters...
-Kissing with her mouth WIDE open!
-Saying "whoa" to animals and things that are much bigger than her.
-Chasing (and by chasing I mean crawling really fast) your sister around the room, laughing hysterically the entire time.
-The happy circle dance she does. If she gets excited she squeaks and spins herself in a circle on her booty.
-Standing up all on her own - most often it is to reach the coveted sippy cup of Ava or food!
-How excited she gets when we walk in the room to pick her up from school - often resulting in the happy circle dance!
-How gentle she's become, wanting to cuddle on our laps and watch Mickey Mouse.
-How she's already memorizing scripture. Psalm 139:14, "God made me" is her first verse.
-How were trying to teach her manners. By manners I mean saying, "Excuse me" when interrupting adults speaking or by saying, "May I please be excused" when she's done with her meal. Her versions, "Excuse you, Mommy" and "May I excuse you, please?"
-How she's been dealing with her own separation anxiety, but when she sees her friends deal with it, it's a different story. She walks over to them, puts her hand on the pack and says, "It's ok."
-How she prays with both of her eyes always open watching to see what we're doing. And how she always prays for her friends and family - most often by name.
-How she adores her baby sister. Playing with her, teaching her new things and protecting her.
-How she sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night, and yes I mean sneaks! Last night, before we went to sleep she had crawled in and fell asleep, lights on and all. Hard habit to break, I know, but every once in a while, I just enjoy the cuddle time.
We couldn't ask for anything more in life than this. So grateful God blessed us with these two girls.
*photos taken by Ginger Morby
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