Mother's Day

For whatever reason, I think that every Mother's Day means more than the one before. Maybe it's the time that has passed with my kids, and the realization that I'll never have those moments back. Or maybe it's the understanding that this job, the one of being a mother, is completely worth it.

It's worth all the middle of the night feedings.
It's worth all the temper tantrums.
It's worth dealing with teething.
It's worth dealing with illness.
It's worth all the tears.
It's worth all the time-outs.
It's worth all the signing in the car.
It's worth all the smiles.
It's worth all the hugs.
It's worth all the kisses.
It's worth all the laughs.
It's worth all the love.

Being a mother is the greatest job anyone could ever ask for. It's totally worth it.

*picture taken by Carrie Fay Amaro


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