Jumping Off A Cliff...

Last weekend I felt like I jumped off a cliff. I did something I never thought I would do. Something, in fact, that I said I would, "NEVER do!" Funny how that works out.

I've been asked to speak several times at our church, but my reply has always been, "No." No questions asked. No further discussion. But for some reason, for some time now, I've felt like a day was coming for that opportunity. Although, I had no idea though that it would be so soon.

For one of our services we've been having a rotation of speakers, so in order to get my feet wet I added my name to the list. I had no idea what would actually happen. As I was going over my outline and message with Pastor Lee, our Senior Pastor, he presented to me the idea of speaking all weekend. My initial reaction was the same as always, "No way." But something told me, God told me, I should go for it. After a few hours of contemplating the idea, I agreed to speak. So I did it. The one thing that's held me back this entire time is the anxiety I feel when speaking in front of large crowds, adults specifically. And now I'm absolutely positive that the only other time I've felt as nervous was my wedding day, right before I walked down the isle! Even though the nerves stayed with me all weekend God helped me to make it through, and I did it!

The funny thing is that in my message I actually speak about saying never to God, and how you shouldn't do it. Last weekend is the perfect example. Guess I should have listened to myself before I said I would, "never do that."


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